Recent Posts
- Trying to Get the Truth out of the HSE about Death Rates of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed
- Confirmed: Covid Vaccines Cause Heart Damage. Withdraw them NOW
- K.I.S.S. .. Two Statements and a Question about Covid Vax
- “Yeah but, No but….” Enough Excuses, Show Us the Deaths..
- More Deaths from Covid Shots… More Media Lies…
- 23 year old footballer dies within days of Covid jab, media covers it up…
- Covid 19 Narrative is Crumbling…
- Covid 19, Germ Theory Disaster
- A Pandemic of Lies, Killing our Young People.
- 17 Year Old Soccer Player Gets Covid Jab, Develops Heart Condition.
- Reported Adverse Events reaches 400,000 in USA
- Covid Deceptions Continue
- Summary of Covid Vax Mess
- Central Statistics Office Figures show Covid = 2018 Flu season
- Something to keep you going….
- Smashing the Deceptions of Covid 19
- As if the Covid vaccine assault wasn’t enough… what are the smart phones doing to us?
- Robert F. Kennedy Junior: Don’t take the Covid Vaccine
- A lot of excess deaths in Ireland since vaccine rollout.
- How did Ireland become a nation of Humourless Neurotic Hypochondriacs?
- Covid Pandemic Shock.
- Uniting to Expose the Lies and Fraud of Covid 1984
- Four Deceptions being used for the Covid 19 Vaccine Selling Hoax
- Pandemic Scare.
- Global Plans for you… Hiding in Plain Sight.
- How The Experimental Gene Therapy “Vaccine” Violates the Nuremburg Code.
- Covid 19: Cui Bono?
- Doctors speak out against Covid vaccine, plus after-effects videos
- Five Fast Facts About the Covid 19 Vaccine Selling Hoax
- HCQgate: There has been an effective treatment all along.
- 18 Reasons Not to take the Covid 19 Vaccine
- Covid 19, what we know now Part 2: NEPHETyranny and Lockdown.
- Covid 19. What we know by now
- Covid: Real Deaths vs Imagined
- Covid 19: This is War against us.
- Outright Lies of Covid, Part 3: Hydroxychloroquine.
- It is time for an uprising to end the lockdowns.
- Lies of Covid Part 2. “Nobody planned this” and “It’s a deadly disease”
- Outright Lies of Covid 19, Part 1
- Professor Dolores Cahill demolishes Covid Narrative.
- Another Bombshell: Covid19 did not raise total US death toll. Article Censored.
- Tanzania defeats Covid 19 after Papaya fruit and goats test positive.
- Vaccine Deaths begin….
- Letter to Taoiseach… A call to end the NPHET tyranny
- Covid vaccine injuries begin
- I was wrong….
- NPHET won’t tell you these facts about the “Dreadful epidemic of cases”
- Thinking of taking the Covid 19 Vaccine? NPHET didn’t tell you all you need to know.
- More Logical Fallacies of Covid 19 for NPHET to consider
- The Logical Fallacies of Covid 19, 1-4
- Irish Lawmakers are permitting a pandemic hoax.
- Vaccine Damage Case: Another example of Pharma Immunity from prosecution.
- Summary of Covid 19 and Vaccine Risk
- Ireland could see 6500 deaths just from the effects of increased unemployment alone.
- Covid 19 vaccine will genetic engineer you forever.
- Confirmed: 80%+ false positives for Covid 19
- Five Irrefutable facts that demolish the Covid 19 Hoax
- Covid 19 regulations are based on false pretenses. Our Natural rights are being denied.
- Covid 19 is a Vaccine pushing Agenda, we need to Educate ourselves on vaccines
- Here is why the Covid 19 “test” is demonstrably fake.
- 85% + of Covid 19 “cases” are false positives… And we are locked down on that basis only.
- Bombshell: Covid 19 tests in Ireland are provably inaccurate.
- Up to 90% of Covid 19 tests are false positives
- Covid 19 Casedemic
- 5 Things the Media Won’t tell you about Covid-19
- I’m Calling on Dail to debate the Covid 19 overstatement of deaths and hysterical destruction of livlihoods
- HIQA confirms: Covid deaths completely overstated.
- Here’s the smoking gun on the link between flu vaccine and Covid 19
- Covid: So What is the Real Agenda Here?
- Covid 19 Shambles Continues: Fear Mongering and Lies…
- Pandemic Shock. Papaya Fruit tests positive for Covid 19
- Covid 19 is a Vaccine Pushing Circus
- Covid-19 link to Flu Vaccine?
- One Swallow does not make a summer: Is there enough evidence of Vaccine Autism link
- A Short History of Vaccination..
- Covid-19. It’s time to talk about vaccines…
- Covid-19. Why we need to re-open now..
- It’s time to learn about vaccine safety
- Foods for Lockdown
- Hysteria over: Iceland proves Covid-19 is just the flu
- Is vaccination the answer to our problems?
- Mandatory Vaccination?
- Stanford University Professors question Covid-19 mortality rate..
- Some Rational Thought about Covid 19
- No Salt for 40 days…. what happened?
- Giving up Salt for Lent…
- Starchy Carbs, not the Paleo diet are at the heart of human development.
- Dr. Michael Greger
- New Food Pyramid… Same Old Story
- Spirulina: Good or Bad
- Foods to Reduce Cancer Risk
- June Trip to Hungary…. photo gallery
- Roundup Sandwich Anyone? Pesticide Residue in Bread…
- 5 Easy Health Hacks
- Flax seed vs Breast and Prostate Cancer
- Milk, a Force of Disease..
- Another High Fat Diet Fad Hits the Market
- Conor McGregor got choked out by a Vegan..
- The Problem with Raw Food
- Irish Farmers Association Scandal… Are Farmers Lobbyists a threat to your health?
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