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In the summer of 2020 the President of Tanzania, a trained Chemist, decided to test the accuracy of the PCR Covid 19 test in a unique way. He sent a number of samples to be tested. They were labelled with names of people, but they came from a variety of animals and fruit. Surprisingly, rather than being rejected, the samples came back with results for Covid 19. A sheep was determined inconclusive, but a Goat and a Papaya fruit were deemed positive for Covid 19. Taking this as sufficient evidence of the absurdity of the Covid 19 test and consequent hysteria, the President of Tanzania led his country into non-observance of the Covid 19 pandemic. Surprisingly, by simply stopping the testing, it appears that Covid 19 has gone away from Tanzania. It is not the case of “oh just see, they stopped testing and locking down, and now everyone is dying”. Instead, they stopped testing and locking down, and everyone is doing just fine. Perhaps Covid 19 is like a sensitive teenager, and if you ignore it then it responds by storming off. Maybe we should look into this situation. But how silly of me. Of course we are too clever over here in Ireland and too busy by far what with counting all the positive results from Covid 19 tests. It is probably just as well that we don’t grow Papaya fruit in Ireland, or things could get really out of hand. NPHETyrants will possibly respond by placing a ban on Papaya fruit. That is just about how unscientific and irrational the Covid 19 hysteria has become. Here is the video. It is actually a travelogue from a British tourist, and he mentions the above details. You can also see life going on just as normal. Kind of like how our lives were before we signed up to Covid 19. (You only need to watch about 1 minute of it. Although you can watch more just to see people living without masks and lockdowns.)