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Professor Dolores Cahill has an outstanding knowledge of what has happened over the past year of Covid 19. She is Irish and is the best example of a tradition that we have to question authority and to uphold truth and human rights. She deserves our attention and support.

Professor Cahill realised in 2002-2003 that WHO dealt with SARS in a completely inappropriate way. They took 8000 cases into account, so that out of a 770 deaths they came up with a death rate of 10%. In fact, when the total numbers exposed to the virus were taken into account, the risk of dying from SARS was around 1 in a million.

She explains that the same trick was repeated in 2020. The initially low case numbers were used to create an alarming death rate of over 3-6%. This was used to instill the fear narrative. The fact is that the risk of dying from Covid 19 is also 1 in 1.18million

There is no open debate, science is being censored. Treatments are being suppressed. There is no need for masks, lockdowns, social distancing and a vaccine.

The above is just a summary from the first 5 minutes. In the rest of the interview, she goes into the detail on these facts and more. I urge you to listen.

Tip: You don’t need to watch it. I just let it play while I am in my art studio painting. You can do something creative while you are learning some facts about what is really going on! Another fun idea would be to play it while the TV news is on. Turn down the TV volume of course!

Regardless, the facts contained here are something you will stuggle to hear anywhere else.

Click here to watch the video