Covid Deceptions Continue
by Cathal Spelman | Jul 1, 2021 | Covid-19, Vaccines
There has been a deliberate series of deceptions carried out over the last 16 months. Briefly: 1. Calling the outbreak a pandemic was a deception, as the WHO changed the definition in order to make the declaration. 2. Covid 19 was sold as a deadly disease. In...Summary of Covid Vax Mess
by Cathal Spelman | Jun 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
Here is an excellent visual summary of the vax...Central Statistics Office Figures show Covid = 2018 Flu season
by Cathal Spelman | May 4, 2021 | Covid-19, Vaccines
The Central Statistics Office of Ireland has produced an article comparing death rates over the years 2015-2021. It is clear from the chart that they provide, that there was a peak in deaths in April 2020, which was the same as the peak in deaths that occured in...Something to keep you going….
by Cathal Spelman | Apr 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
I’ve been busy of late, so this post is just something to keep you up to date, with another excellent video from Dr. Vernon Coleman. Now that the push is on from the vaccine machine, it’s time to get as much information as you can out there. People will do...Recent Posts
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